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What’s the Deal with Delayed Admissions?

Recently, Georgia Institute of Technology began offering first-year applicants the opportunity to apply again as a transfer student to begin school in the fall of 2019. 


The offer is presented through Georgia Tech’s Arts and Sciences Pathway Program and may be given to applicants who were not admitted to the College of Design, the College of Liberal Arts, and the College of Sciences starting in fall of 2018.  Students who exercise this option must complete an online transfer application separate from their original application, and the offer is only valid for one year after beginning full-time college studies at another institution.


In other words, their offer cannot be extended and only applies for the fall semester one year after the student’s high school graduation year.  Students who exercise this option must complete a minimum of 30 transferable semester hours at a fully accredited college within the United States.  They are also expected to maintain at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA and a combined math and lab science GPA of 3.3 or higher as well.


The unusual approach by Georgia Tech is nonetheless part of an increasing trend among competitive universities in offering delayed admission to incoming freshman.  UC Berkeley, Cornell, BU, NYU, USC, Babson College, St. Louis University, Penn, Northeastern, University of Richmond, Harvard, & Yale have all, in one form or another, encouraged gap years, offered students the opportunity to reapply later, or deferred admission to the spring or the following fall.


Students take a gap year for a variety of reasons, including academic improvement, travel, volunteer opportunities, work, or in some cases simply to experience life, slow things down, and mature as individuals.  In the case of Georgia Tech, there are specific college requirements associated with their offer to be completed in the ensuing year by June 1st.


Is this offer or a similar offer right for you?  It could be, but maybe not. Every graduating senior eyes freshman year through a different lens and brings different concerns and experiences to the table. There are potential benefits and drawbacks to delaying the start of life on your preferred college campus. You can discuss this topic with your Insight counselor to determine if this approach is relatable to your goals and marks the best path to both short and long-term success. As always, we are here to help you! 


Continued success,

The Insight Team

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